Welcome to Lightmagix!

LightMagix designs, complemented perfectly, light effects and spaces. By nature light, reflect the glass all colours in fine nuances of changing effects. By night, glow the light, transforming the colours and tones into a sophisticated play of reflections.

This beautiful light ensemble are made of original materials which make each piece unique and perfectly incorporated in high technology developed structures based on innovative fibre optic and LED components.

LightMagix specializes in design and creation of light installations. Producing hand made created pieces exclusively designed for individual specifications or for a range of domestic applications, colours, sizes, materials and finishes, can all be altered to ensure that each piece fits perfect on the ambience within it is and compatible with electrical requirements. Certified equipment its also supplied.

Please, enjoy with me, the magic of light…

Olena Bullmann

Designer Olena Bullmann Olena Bullmann